Tuesday, January 22, 2008

T: 080121

說是reflection, but i really don't know wut to type for the first time
so plz bare with me

今天的scriptures reading..有點難去理解
對於我這個一生都算順暢的小朋友來說, 我是沒有經過大苦大難的.
這兩年, 我面對了很多事情 對於我的未來 我原本是很確定的
但是現在, 卻充滿了無知 I can only ask God to guide me through

我有時候很快樂 有時候很逃避 有時候很無力 有的時候甚至脾氣暴躁
deep down, I think i am walkin slowly away from God.

But now, readin from the scriptures, 我再一次知道, 當我無力的時候 當我覺得我被試探的時候 當我覺得我有苦難的時候
I can yell out "Lord, please give me strength to fight." and God will embrace me with His Grace, provide me with His power and lead me onward on this journey of life.

I want to be shaped by God, but I want to do it without compromises.

Dear God, please provide me strength to face every obstacles I face.

寫完了...i have no idea wut i was typing
I've edited sooo many times...
but hey..its my first post... XD



The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

I think it's great :)
(am I not supposed to read b4 I write up mine?:P...otherwise I might subconsciously 'borrow' your ideas)

Yah, Im thankful you came up with this idea~ A good way to really connect with each other and with God~ It's gonna be great~:D

(PS. I think I will write mine tonite~)

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...
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The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

gd! glad u like it..
even tho i don't think it fully captures my thought
cuz..i went bak to edited again
it never seems good enough

dun borrow my ideas..
copyrighted, man

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

com’on…don’t be so stingy :P… you can always edit as many times as you want :D….so that I will be inspired even more~
Glad you are getting closer to God as I am, too :) I’d never been putting as much effort as I am now to get know God and myself better~ so just very excited about what’s ahead~
You know, no matter what happens next day, month or even year, everything will be fine~
I mean, anything can happen, but everything happens for a reason~ so yah … ganbadde yo~

so what do you do during your break? Snack? Drama? Or exercising (which I think is a gd idea …haha)?

小恬 said...

well..i go play piano for a while
or i listen to the nodame's classical collections...

yah..i exercise once in a day..
but thinkin of increasin to twice aday...

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Sounds great~ man…do I miss piano… it’s been so long… thinking about learning guitar :P… only been thinking though..ha.. want to learn drum too…maybe I should drop by allen’s house more often…
nodame classical collection? Nice….i like that Mozart piano duet~ oh, btw, chiaki reminds me of a cantonese actor….劉松仁… much prettier version ~ ha

小恬 said...

劉松仁...r u blind!!!!????!@#$!@#$!@#$@#$!
they r sooooo different ahhhhh
and u know..劉松仁is old now
but he's still gdlookin @ his age
he is totally DIFFERENT FROM CHIAKI!!!!!

everybody likes the duet, even Joe Y likes that
u men have the same taste
I like the Rachmaninoff piano version
well..i like a lot of nodame's music..haha

i want to pick up piano again though
but yah.i want to do a lot of things this year..but..hahahaha

and oi...u still have time to check comp?
how come u can check blog not msn ah?
so weird~~~

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

It’s not so weird ah…you see… when you msg me, the window will keep on flashing… I don’t want my boss to wonder why I got a window flashing while she doesn’t msg me :P and blog, I can check it every 30-40 minutes…don’t have to anticipate the “flash” and can’t focus :P….
c’mon..chiaki looks a bit like Liu ah….the protruding lips… the nose…only eyes are different…the eyes make chiaki much prettier~ hey btw, I just saw the news…Heath Ledger passed away~! I was so shocked… man…he’s so gd as Joker in “The Dark Knight”…. So sad…..

小恬 said...

man..i can't believe Heath Ledger passed away at such an young age

I like him in 10 things i hate about u...
so gd looking..and gd voices too

he was the JOKER???????

還有...one last time
玉木弘DOES NOT LOOK LIKE 劉松仁!!!! period!!! XD
你再怎麼convince我...我還是不會承認的 哈哈

ur boss msgs u while u guys r in the same office..