Monday, January 28, 2008

J: 080128

I am having difficulty writing reflections on today’s reading…hmmm… every sentence I thought of was as if I were repeating myself from the previous entries…

Due to watching Nodame, the analogy used by the author easily caught my eye… well, anything musical would have caught my eye… :P… we are truly like musical instruments. We tend to go off-tune as the strings become loose overtime. 神的話語就像那調音師一樣, 時時刻刻的再調整我們的弦~

“悲哀與快樂, 誰也不能做分別的選擇, 兩者, 都必須有體念…沒有非常的痛苦, 就沒有非常的福氣, 對痛苦麻痺的心靈, 對福分也不會敏感.”As we often say 一體有兩面. Joy and woe appear to be the two sides of God’s grace.
We wouldn’t know the taste of happiness if we never tasted the bitterness, and vice versa; only by experiencing both tastes can we appreciate God’s grace.

Yeah…Im running out of inspiration….

“Dear Heavenly Father, please give Teri the power to inspire me with her reflection~ :)and please also continue to fill me with your teaching, your will, your vision so that I can reflect Your Words onto my life every moment, everyday.May you also watch over my family, and my friends, comfort them if they are weeping, help them if they are struggling, and inspire them if they are … not so inspired…:PWe put everything in your hands, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”

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