Tuesday, January 29, 2008

J: 080129

“So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence…. God is in that city, and it will never be destroyed; at early dawn he will come to its aid.” (Psalm 46:2, 3, 5)

God Is with Us. We “shall not be moved”, as the author said, it is an incredible declaration of faith. Most of the time, I still can’t even imagine myself having such strong faith in God. I always wonder, why do I doubt? Why do I hesitate? I have been a “church goer” all my life, and yet I sometimes have so little faith as if God is just… an option. (…man…I so need forgiveness right now….>”<)

How could I let God enter my heart, and stay in it? How can I hear Jesus’s knock on the door?

What I just start doing today is a good beginning, I believe. When the surroundings are still and quiet, I close my eyes, put my hands together and start. I thank and praise God for watching over me and people around me through the day, for granting me amazing family, amazing friends, amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank God for bringing me back to Him at the end of a busy time. I ask God for forgiveness, for all the sins I’ve done, for all the foul thoughts I have thought of, for all the things I should’ve done and didn’t… for everything unjust through God’s eyes. I then ask God to open my heart and prepare me for the daily devotion. And then, I open the book.

Praying is a powerful way to communicate with God. Prayer can be the means by which God has access to adjust our heartstring, as if a violin is tuned by “the Touch of Master’s Hands”. :) With no doubt, praying is the time when we can completely rely ourselves on God; it’s the time when we “shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.” When our minds go vacillating like leaves, praying calms us down. When everything seemed to be against us and destroying us during the day, praying to God makes us rigid and indestructible, and able to welcome tomorrow with open arms.

There's a big difference between just thinking something and praying it to God. Prayer has a direction, the direction towards which we are hoping God will point us. I’ve realized, once AGAIN, how important praying is to not only a true Christian, but also a “churchgoer”.

1 comment:

小恬 said...

i agree...
a church goer is way different than a true Christian..
we maybe church goers all along, but we may not have been a true Christians...maybe at times..but not all the time

i think our goal is to be a True Christians...not Pharisees, who only abide the fixed laws..but doubt Jesus as our true saviour.