Wednesday, January 23, 2008

T: 080122

God is yet again, speaking to me through the Streams in the desert.
I cannot tell you how amazing that is.

As I have been crazy about Nodame cantabile in these past few months (days), I really find it interesting when they refer music as our lives. There's always something after the rests, and the music varies, joyful, sorrowful...but it really doesn't end at "rests".

My life really hasn't been that perfect.
For quite some time now, people have been telling me how good I am, how nice I am....
But sometimes, I fear their expectations, I doubt their expectations, and I also doubt myself.
"What exactly do they see in me?"
"I don't think they'll like me if they really get to know me."
"What is the REAL ME?"

I am merely a woman, a woman knows jealousy well, a woman with quick temper, a woman without patience, a woman that failed something she wanted to acheive, a woman sometimes isn't even honest with herself.

I may appear to be very confident, but only some people know... how little confidence I have in myself.

But today, I think God is trying to tell me, He created me. He knows me well.
He loves me just way I am. Just like my parents unconditionally love me.
Then there's no need for me to pretend I am well.
I AM WELL. I was created by God, shaped by God, and loved by God.

This is how I see now; this year, is rather a pretty long "rest" for me. But I do not fear, for I know that God has already composed the music for me, He is there conducting.

So here I am, counting the beat carefully, looking at the conductor with all my might, so I won't miss the time to play my music. As long as I have this conductor guiding me, there's nothing for me to be afraid of.

This time, I think I want to play with my best technique on this piece of music. I hope all the people around me, can enjoy my "music" and start playing their own.


The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Really nicely written~ I can see you've put a lot of thoughts in it :) Im glad that Streams in the desert once again enters your life and becomes the channel b/w you and God.

What Im also glad is... as you mentioned for several times, You are A WOMAN~ no matter what kind of woman you are, you have grown to be a woman (despite the fact that you want to look young, which is ok, everyone wants to look young). God is certainly shaping you, taking care of you during this "rest" you are experiencing.

One day when the "rest" is over, the melody starts again, that is when you will truly realize what you have truly become in God's hand...(:P...a lady probly...)

Anyways, great entry~ let's keep it up and continue to inspire each other~

小恬 said...

haha..aiyo...i am a woman!!!!
i was kidding mah...everybody wants to look young~~~

a lady?? i dunno...
maybe i can just be myself..
i am who i am...

u know, my friend says she's being shaped by God...
but the way she said無奈
i guess the problem with her is that her the one who keeps on tellin her wut to do...:S
男生不會檢討自己 真的很糟糕

thats why i said i want God to shape me, but i want to do it with compromises

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Got up so early ~:)
too bad for your girlfriend...

I guess it's hard sometimes,...relationship can easily become the center of our lives...we've all been there:P

so maybe continue to remind your frd the focus of her life... remember, Light and Salt~:) It's the lesson I'll have to learn ,too~

小恬 said...

the problem is...
well..i gues i shouldn't say the problem..
their center of life is God~~~~
cuz his bf wants to be a missionary
so very strict bout religion

they r in long-d, and they dun talk a lot..
and everytime i said, 你有把這些想法跟他說嗎?
she says "John說不能complain, 因為這些都是Satan會說的話..blah blah blah"
and i said..你們需要溝通
and then she says God is our bridge


而且她說她男朋友 只會叫她不能怎樣怎樣

她連在自己的blog上面 都會把這些事情hide起來
cuz she's afraid her bf is gonna see, and he's gonna 罵她
me dun want that...

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

I guess it’s really hard for both of them… many of their values are different… and the long-D , tsk tsk, is keep them not any closer… I think their center of value is good; they both want to focus on God’s teaching and through God communicate with each other. Nonetheless, from how you described…that guy seemed to be blinded by his “vision of being a missionary”… I mean if he really wants to devote all of his life to help others, the weak, the in-needs, why can’t he see that his girl is one of the others, the weak, the in-needs.
In my opinion, missionary is a sacred instrument chosen by God to see people’s needs, to enter the world no others would want to enter, to build the bridge b/w God and us…and it can also be as simple as more love and being more considerate for the close, beloved ones.
I don’t know…this is a difficult situation… i m not gonna judge his belief or action… God Bless them…
PS. Your friend, is Hui-Hui, right?

小恬 said...

Well said, Joseph!!!

yah, i agree w/ u, we can't judege their belief..
esp the guy. cuz i dunno him @ all
but personally..i dun really like him...
i dun like a lot of
but wut can i friend loves him..
經過amy/andy事件 我已經不想當面批評了 哈哈

when it comes to religion beliefs, i dunno how to talk..haha
i can only say "ooh..i c..."
not much of a help...
but wut u said!!!!! soo good!!!

how do u know its hui-hui @@...!!!!
thats scary
have u been stalkin on me?? lol

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said... you don’t know the guy at all… thought he was from your church in Tw too…
anyways, I don’t see how stalking you can help me get to know Hui..ha… it’ll help me get to know you… maybe the hidden side of you… like you picking nose or something…hehe…
Im so sleepy now… you know any good way of helping me stay awake after lunch? Like a massage on some 穴道 or something….
I always feel sleepy after lunch…. Or you can bring up some interesting topic for me to think about whenever I feel sleepy…

小恬 said...

i dunno the guy...
i never met him b4...
she met him in nz church

whenever i am sleepy..
i just sleep nei~~~ hahaha...
好啦 我知道我很欠打
你是不是吃太飽了 才會想睡覺...

hidden side of me...hahahahahah
if u can find out..go ahead bah
i am not scared..XD

wut interesting topic do u want to know??
你也沒有八卦 我也沒有
how about..any hot girls in ur work?

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Well, I only ate a meal from BK… k, a whopper meal to be specific..but I ate salad instead of fries….
anyways, the massage on the sides of the head helped…Im awake now :D…
How do I know it was Hui… question… I think it was you who told me she’s having a long-D relationship.
so first guess was her cuz you girls are close~

you don’t have anything to gossip about? I am very disappointed….:P…

We have nice girls in the office… :)

小恬 said...

BK for lunch..
i want to eat fatty food T_T
oooh...i haven't had those fast food for a while now...
how i miss them...

hey! u r supposed to feed me with the "entertainment news"
afterall, i am the one who's sitting at home all day long
u! my man..get out there and find me some 8qua...

ooooh....i see the "s" in GIRLS

joseph and ___
sitting in a tree


The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Yah.. you really do sound bored…c’mon woman…:P
What’s to miss about BK… fast food is really bad for you… remember you are on diet heh …:P…
the more fast food I eat, the more I miss my mom :P… I need some edible food at work~! Hmm..crappy food could be the reason why Im always sleepy at work…

I suck at gossiping… I mean… I only k now secrets Im not supposed to tell…never know secrets I can actually tell..:p
But I do make observations… hmm :P… is Allen having something going on as far as you know?

小恬 said...

No nei
with who?? who who who???
come on, I dun see Allen that often
of course i wouldn't know

u actually have secrets u can't tell...???!!!
好狠..make me wanna even know more..>"<

Allen, such a good and cute boy
if i do know who he's after
me gonna help him...