Wednesday, January 30, 2008

J: 080130

“I will be as the dew unto Israel.” (Hosea 14:5)

This is exactly what my problem was during the past few years serving God.

The Dew is the most clear, sweetest, and most refreshing source of water; its formation occurs when the world is calm, when “the wind ceases and the temperature falls”. No wonder God uses this creation of His to symbolize “spiritual refreshing”.

As I mentioned, I was blinded by the sole mission of serving God in the committee for the past 4 years. I always wanted to get the things done fast, seemingly complete. I always wanted to get as many tasks as possible at church so that I’d fulfilled my duties. Last year, I was the chairperson of C&C. It was my first time being a leader of a group. I knew all along since the beginning it was my calling to fill in that position; however, “my calling” was where the problem was. I wanted to handle everything by myself because I thought the whole thing was my calling, the whole C&C was my responsibility. What I didn’t seem to realize was that I was merely one man; I couldn’t just do everything myself, my way and neither could I just neglect everyone else and sit in my own boat, my own comfort zone. Consequently, many flaws and disharmony began to surface within the committee. I began to lose my grip of “my calling”. And yet, I hardly asked for God’s help, for God’s touch, for my spiritual refreshing. My devotional aspect of life was nearly none, I never opened bible during my own times; I never read any devotional readings. I even barely prayed except before each meal… my spirit was “drooping” for lack of the Dew.However, God saw all that; God walked my struggles with me. So He gave me this new direction – being a spiritual committee member. He wants me to be the spiritual leader not because I am good at it, but I can learn the most from it.

At the calmest, quietest time of the day when “the wind ceases and the temperature falls,” I long for the spiritual Dew from God as I m traveling this journey of life; so that everyday, I’ll be saturated with His presence, and then I’ll be able to go forth to my next duty with the “conscious freshness and vigor of Christ.”

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