Friday, January 25, 2008

T: 080124

昨天提到的夢, 是上帝願意讓我看見.
其他時候, 我看不見上帝, 可是我知道他與我同在.
認識上帝, 有很多種幸福.
其中一種, 是透過上帝應許的話而感到上帝的同在.
上帝沒有給我一個看板, 上面寫著 "I have granted your wish".
上帝不是Genie, 願望的達成不是速成的, 但somehow, 我的一些小小願望得以成真.
有一些比較是關於未來的, 長期的, 還是在默默的禱告中.

我還蠻羨慕我的朋友, 她每次跟我說 "I didn't study for this exam...I am gonna fail...."
So she prayed to God...then..amazingly, she passed those hard exams.
她會跟我說, 上帝好愛我喔, 讓我pass這個exam.
對她來說,好像很多事情, 求, 就真的可以得到.

相較之下, 我好像就沒有那麼常求.
If I asked something in my prayer, it doesn't go with the way I want.
I'd think, maybe God doesn't want this to happen, or..I don't want it bad enough.
The next thing I know, I stopped asking for it.
這種想法, 一面作滿足, 一面叫對上帝沒有信心.
回想起來, 這種弊病, 是需要改進的.
上帝沒有馬上回應我的禱告, 並不代表祂不應許, 而是我需要有耐心,有信心的等候.
上主說: 我的時候還沒有到.
而我也深切的了解到, 當神的時候還沒有到, 我的時間更不可能到.
但是, 總有一天, 那時候是會到的, 而我也要會那一天的來臨做好準備.
不管是我所求的, 祂要給的, 我都要be ready!

結果我那篇similar idea, 還是沒有辦法跟今天的reflection連在一起
所以, 我貼到無名好了 哈哈, 不然這裡會充斥著我的廢話.


The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Read your entry on Wretch too.
yah..remember earlier on I mentioned my recent stress?
Relationship is definitely one of them~ just felt kinda embarrassed to talk about it…

It’s not like I am in a hurry or something… but it seems to be in my mind all the time, consciously or unconsciously~ maybe I just wanted to experience it…
Yah … despite all the thoughts and peer pressure, I still believe God has prepared her for me. I guess I, too, need to work on the integrity of my personality, so that “when it IS my time, I WILL be ready”-Teri :P right?

小恬 said...

我覺得我們只要放空自己, 安靜自己的心

反正就等吧 哈哈哈哈
你那麼多excellent girls to choose
don't worry!~~~

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Yah..that's right~ 那麼多女孩kinda 傷腦經 though...too many choices, too many things to considerate...too many distractions...hehe...

小恬 said...



The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

C’mon, this is not “Hua” ok? I still set up my priorities among these girls…that’s what’s troublesome aight?:P
I’d call myself “Open Minded” not “Hua”… how can I be “Hua” when I never had a relationship before… Im looking for the desired qualities among the girls…so that I can learn about girls in the meantime…

and Pam? You are kidding..right? ………

小恬 said...

fine fine...
u can be open minded lah...
its just funny how u set priorities for the girls
do i get to meet them??
u know..behind a glass window (the one i can see them, but they can't see me type)
hook me up..(ok..that sounded wrong)

and pam..come on..she's not that bad..
at least..u guys had some history..hahahaha
(oh..i am a mean one)

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Yah we had history… unpleasant history…
You and I have history too..hehe… if that’s what you meant…
setting priorities for girls is not funny bah… it’s 人之常情… I bet you do that to your boys too~:P
there’s gotta be the one you like the most… and then list goes on to the one, in my case Pam , nothing can happen with…

小恬 said...

it just so happens that me & janice somehow brought up the topic of pam
then..u know..w/ u..*wink wink

unpleasant history eh..
well..then...忘記吧 哈哈
i hope we didn't have any unpleasant historIES
or at least..i didn't have..
u might have..

my list..
to tell u the truth
my a mess rite now
the order's all messed up
dats why it gives me a headache ah
有list還好辦 沒有的話...!@#$!@$ 一團亂 (hey it rhymes)

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said... need to be more organized with your list :P... otherwise it gives you headache~:P I can be gossiped about eh... kinda proud of myself..haha..

Our history? except the "first contact"... everything else was gd :) we were alright lah~:P...we were honest with each other... dishonesty is just beyond my toelrance limit...
too bad it ended b4 nothing could've started ~ zan nen desu nei...:P

小恬 said...
