Thursday, January 24, 2008

T: 080123

今天用中文打. XD

Today's scripture is from Psalm 1o, as i was reading it, 我跟你想到同樣的情景.
I was being questioned maybe by the same person or not, but it was a similar situation.
Except it was pretty harsh for me to answer.

他問: 為什麼上帝要讓東南亞有海嘯? 又為什麼上帝讓一個十歲的小女孩, 逃過海嘯一劫, 卻被男人強暴, 為什麼?! 你說啊?!
老實說, i was speechless, i know the typical answer "上帝有祂的旨意."
可是當下, 我說不出來. 因為我真的不知道.
雖然它是正確的答案. 但我在信仰這條路上,還有好長的一段要走, 有好多要學, 我不知道要怎麼樣回答得漂亮, 使這位同學信服.
我"知道"神有祂的旨意, 可是我又不懂上帝的旨意.

直到我讀了約伯記. 有點像是被雷打到, 類似恍然大悟, 但也沒有那麼偉大.
上帝是全能的. 耶和華那麼的大, 而我們是渺小的人類, 自以為有the power of God.
But we don't, everything we have comees from God.
And of course, it's okay for us not to understand His will.
但最重要的是要告訴自己, never give up on God, trust in God and God will take good care of you.
但還是希望下次我告訴別人這些事情的時候, 上帝可以直接幫助我. :P
賜給我所需的一切, 來傳福音.

anyways, 回到今天的entry.
當我們在受苦受難的時候, 真的常常覺得上帝離開自己, 埋怨上帝.
可是我知道, 不管我們在哪裡, 其實上帝都在我們的身旁, 陪伴我們.

我自己就曾經在傷心難過的時候, 感受到上帝真的與我同在.
我想我曾經說過, 我被前男友提分手的那一天, 我真的很痛苦, 那種椎心刺骨的痛.
但是當天, 我做了一個夢. 我夢到了聖靈看著我, 安慰我.
我知道上帝祂很愛我, 在我最需要上帝的時候, 祂出現了, 而我也因為有聖靈的同在, 有聖靈的安慰, 我全權交託給上帝,走過那一段.

每次我讀到一個故事, 我心有滿滿的感受, 眼淚會不自覺得落下.

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you."
Mary Stevenson

希望我下次在苦難中, 我能不害怕不埋怨,能專心注目於神, 並享受這個特別的時間with God and try to bond with God more.


The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

I like the way your sharing reflects the past experience of your life~ mine is too theoretical :P…
maybe later when any past experience arises with the devotional reading…I’ll share it with you too~
I love the footprint reflection (did I say it alredy?)~ I still remember me giving some1 as a baptism gift - a mirror with this story on it…

“Why does God allow evil?” … some cases are just too extreme for me to understand (ie. the little girl in the tsunami you mentioned)… but you are right, we don’t have to understand why things are the way they are… it’s ok for us to be sad and mad about what’s happening in the world… cuz we are designed this way…

Anyways, great entry~ (thumbs up)

小恬 said...

ha..i only have a few experience lah
have to really dig into my memories to bring such moments
不然如果我還沒有好 我一定又哭個半死

well, i was gonna give u a frame with the footprints story on it,
but mom says it's not special enough..hence, the tie..haha

好像你每次都要稱讚我的entry耶..u r bein too generous

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

you, too, complimented each of my entry ah~ this is how the reflection blog works eh? it's called relationship...:P

I dont have much experience either...especially regarding relationships..haha...

小恬 said...

u'll get the chance to write bout ur the future..
hopefully...not a distant future~~~

parasitic wouldn't work here(too much bio for me)


The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Ooh..I almost forgot about it~ yes, my observations :P…just my guess…from what I observed…(*cough) :P
so yah…don’t take it too srsly…Is Allen interested in Karen?:p my intuition tells me that… :P…
tell me what you think bah ..ha…

小恬 said...

haha..that i really dunno
but i really like Allen
so..i definitely won't go in their way
我之前還想撮合Allen and karen lei..
so i hope dats true...hahaha

has ur instinct always worked??
or..u detect the wrong signals?

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

My intuition works somewhat… but it has all been more like “hindsight” 對照…:P
so yah… if you do want to be the matchmaker, try to 套話out of those two…ha… start with Allen :P
that way, your job will be easier… plus it’s not nice to match two people w/o any sparks :P (ie…frank…)

小恬 said...

wut do u mean hindsight~~~
have u seen anythign?!
man..allen so hard to 套話now
karen will never tell me anything

u should go!!! and help me out
allen's ur buddy
wait..maybe i should try kevin
but kevin's slow...argh

Frank and Eva..haha
The only thing i can say about that is eva really hates Frank (no, really?! i know, its a given)
but i think he's ok lah..(sometimes)