Saturday, January 26, 2008


“Then the Lord said to me, ‘ Look, I have made King Sihon and his land helpless before you; take his land and occupy it.’” (Deut. 2:31)

Today, Jason and I went attending Stanley and Sabrina’s (大小S) wedding banquet. Looking at them finally united as husband and wife before God, I felt really comforting. After 9 years of love marathon, they finally made it, not to an end, but to a beginning :)Their marriage reminded me of something that can be somehow related to today’s devotion.

As mentioned by the author, we are often told to wait for God’s answer, and yet going for God’s promise is equally important. The balance of these two actions of faith is not easy to deal with. In Stanley and Sabrina’s example, I see them handle it quite well with God’s blessings all along. Nine years may sound like a long time to most people, but it was just long enough for them to decide to spend the rest of their lives with each other. They’ve been waiting for God’s answer patiently, and the process had been difficult (ie. Long-D etc). However, they also went for God’s promise at the right time and united 9 years later.

I’ve heard one case in which, some guy (been to our church) has not gotten married at age of 46; not because he’s too shy, not because he’s not confident with his “quality”, but because his expectation is too high. He wants to marry a girl, who’s also his soulmate…the exact words will be 靈魂完全契合. I mean…to me, there’s not such thing as perfect match of our senses. There's only perfect match , made by God.

God might have prepared him many girls, but he let them pass.This is just how today’s occasion got me thinking about the reading with respect to marriage. There are so many other things that God has pointed us the direction and He is still waiting for us to go for it. We just need to let God into our hearts at all times so that we will know “when our time comes”.


PS. Only picture I got today..:P… I actually look gd in it…so can’t help it but to post it hehe :P the food was also great….there were 魚翅 XD


小恬 said...

i can really say..u really care bout relationship nei

its so gd to see that Stanley & Sabrina getting married (or got married to be exact)
it is not easy for ppl to have such long relationship decided to walk down the path together...

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Of course Icare about relationship :) It's really important... I see every step as important as the final step before the wedding...This is the field we try to minimize trials and errors process :P

Yeah... God bless Stanely and Sabrina. :)

P.S. thanks to the snow, I'll have to wait another who knows how many weeks to watch Nodame SP ><~