Thursday, January 24, 2008


“But since the water still covered all the land, the dove did not find a place to light. It flew back to the boat, and Noah reached out and took it in… It returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the water had gone down.” (Genesis 8:9-11)

Today’s devotional reading again, teaches us the lesson of faith… as if Holy Spirit is reminding me what I lack of the most at this moment - faith. Yes, faith is always what I lack of… especially as it comes to the things I want, or the girl I like, or the man I wish to become…as it comes to WHAT I WANT from God.

Now being at an appropriate age of settling down, colleagues from work can’t seem to stop wondering why I don’t have a girlfriend… and never had one b4… (I wonder who told them that..hmm..andy…ha)… There were times I couldn’t help but to doubt myself… and God…, wondering: is there something wrong with me? Is it the way I look? The way I talk? Or the way I think?

“No, it’s the way My promises are done” God says. Yes. God’s Word, His promise of remembrance, is more substantial and dependable than any evidence of our senses. When He grants us the visible evidence of His promise, joy fills us; without the visible evidence, we still appreciate Him for we have trusted Him all along with the faith in our hearts.

“Those who are readiest to trust God without other evidence than His Word always receive the greatest number of visible evidences of His love.”

Now, as my colleagues (even my boss) are still trying to figure out the Riddle of the Century, I, with God by my side, should wonder no more. Amen.

Plus, with so many excellent girls around me to choose from, there shouldn’t be a problem , don’t you agree? ;) ..ha …

P.S. I finished Nodame today~ Sooooooo goooooood~~ I love Nodame~! SHe is the first girl on the silver screen Im crazy about...


小恬 said...

好強 你今天真早睡~!

哈哈...ur time will come lah
其實...真巧 我今天原本想要寫的topic跟你很像

well..we'll see...
看夜半人靜的時候 我的grey cells 怎麼work

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Im better with my leisure time management since I started the devotional reading with you nei~ ;)
I got the tickets done while watching drama… and still had time for some basara… and b4 going to bed devotional reading… :D it’s been amazing so far~

小恬 said...

time management is very important

又讀經 又看日劇 又做ticket 又打電動

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

yah... I can picture my life next week is pretty much like this week...drama, CnC Stuff, video game, devotional reading.

Maybe when drama's over I should find something meaningful to do...hmmm...

小恬 said...

well..i can learn a lot from jap drama

it is very meaningful for me to watch it
maybe not so much for u..haha

好像上班的人 日子都過的差不多~

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Oh I find Japanese dramas meaningful man~ Nodame inspires me~ in fact, Nodame will be what Im looking for in girls…haha…
But srsly, I always learn something out of each Japanese drama… very touching and meaningful~ almost feels like you are IN the drama …but it’s like a dream actually…

小恬 said...

語無倫次~! lol

oh..i see..
u like dirty girls...(nodame is very dirty)
會看著你傻笑 u know~~ how she looks at chiaki
hope the list of "priorities" have wut nodame has..haha

but nodame is a very nice girl~~
chiaki is a very hot man~~~

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Haha..true..but those qualities of Nodame can be overshadowed by her outstanding qualities :P…just like what happened in the drama…
She’s very nice, innocent, confident at what she’s doing, hard-working, considerate, 很有心, and supportive to the man she loves.
And…I love her 對著 chiaki 傻笑……I’d want me girl to do that…:P…it’d be so fun~ :D…
But yah…I am so tired now… but that doesn’t mean my head is not clear… :p…ok..maybe a bit not clear…

小恬 said...

yah..i was just teasin u
i like nodame a lot
she's so funny..haha

你有必要回這麼多nodame的好話ㄇ XD

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Of cuz...i have to defend the girl I love :P..hehe...