Wednesday, January 23, 2008


“Why are you so far away, Oh Lord?” (Psalm 10:1)
Honestly, I never have a firm answer to this question, no matter who asked it…
A person once asked me “Why does God allow evil?” Why?
Why can’t God create a perfect world in which everyone is innocent, everything is flawless?

I always answer this question with “God has his plan”… it sounds cliché, but I find it so true…

“God has his plan” ~ We don’t know towards where God is leading our lives, we can’t feel God’s presence as we fumble… but the fact is…we don’t need to know, see or feel to believe Him...

For we are merely human who are incomparable to God, things beyond our perception do not mean of its non-existence. To have faith in Him. This is one of the life-long lessons for every Christian to learn. This is why being a Christian is not just about trying to know God or see God…but having faith in what He has prepared ahead of us. It’s not easy, but it is God’s will, and this we know.

Teri, 認真的女孩~, this year can be the turning point of your life~ God knows you know I know~ :P
No matter what direction it turns to, you know that God’s banquet of grace will be prepared for you~ as long as you have faith in Him, always~
This is the lesson I have to learn too as this year is “the year” for me too :) it’ll decide where I want to be, and what I want to do in the next 5-10 years…
Wa…it’s so late alredy…
PS. Currently on epi7 of nodame…it’s getting better and better ;)


The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Very good!!!
不公平!!! 你文筆比較好~~~~

but we have similar point of view haha

so...wut do u mean by where u r goin?~~~
workin wise..or..directional wise

我覺得my answer seems more clearly day by day

and..11:30 is called late?!
man...wut happened to ur game playing basara?!

hahahaha...nodame is soo good
Special is good too~~~

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

我中文文筆太膚淺 所以只好用英文寫了 :(
and you on the other hand, your english is still pretty gd~! despite having stayed in Tw for so long....I always lost my fluency in english when I went back to tw...

Well, you see... I am hoping this year, I can decide if I want to go back to school or not...or if I am gonna continue working here or not...

Yah, I can feel the touch of your reflections more and more :)maybe later on, your entries can make me cry~

11:30 pm? i though I went to bed at 11:45... the time must have been off... basara...with and daily devotion with God,and with you, and nodame, basara has to step aside.

Is special included in the dvd too? or you have them in other disc?

小恬 said...

每次我打好 要重新看好幾遍
每次改完..時間都...不見了 english...dun even mention bout it >"<
last year's english score came 2nd last..the worst was mandarin
so...u can see how bad my english has become

thats why i sometimes want to write in English...
i dun want my english to drag me down again.

nodame is included in other disc lah
(even tho i havn't start burning it)

no lah, the last time i talked to u was 11:30 last nite
i mean.."around that time"也不算晚

man, how i wish i can play basara now
(actually, i would be satisfied if i can play any game)

well..pray hard bah!
i thought the prayer on Jan 10th was pretty gd for the "path choosing" situation
i am sure God will answer your prayer~!

I havn't had enough experience with God yet~~
Want to have more..

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Haha you want to play Basara too? Anytime you want to drop by loh~ but all the gd looking guys are alredy trained, although we have many hot female characters we haven’t trained yet. You can certainly help us with that~ if you want other gd games, we also have Gundam Destiny, KOF06, and Naruto… :P…

Wow the English test can be that hard? So you passed other subjects except eng and mandarin? It must suck that you have to study everything again thanks to a couple of spoilers…
I'll need to borrow Nodame special from you soon~

小恬 said...

i'll play those games when i can really play!! >"<
i have no interest in naruto.
rite now, basara seems to be the most interesting game

maybe when my mom goes bak to taiwan..i'll go play..hahahaha

well, i passed my english lah, but my bio and chem was better than my english~
the only subject i didn't pass was chinese..stupid chinese
i studied so hard for it~ hmph

yah..i'll have the special ready by end of this weekend
and remind me to bring tiger and dragon too

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Ouch..just Chinese? That sux~!!!
that means you have a great chance of passing them this year~ :) since you got a whole year to prepare for chinese~:D so once you pass the exam, you are accepted? Or they still only accept top applicants?

Oh? When’s your mom going back?:P….

小恬 said...

um..u would think i have a lot of chance of passin it
i see differently!
self study does not improve my chinese...
well..i'll see wut God wants me to do
but i dun think my marks are gonna increase by a lot..

my mom's leavin sometime in March (for the presidential vote)
but again, if i want to go out, i have to get 2 ppl's approval-->kevin and karen
or go for me

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

Really…hm... can only wish you the best :P…
That should be no problem…I can lure them in …ha :P

小恬 said...

我能不能放假, 就都靠你啦 哈哈哈