Sunday, January 27, 2008

J: 080127

“But after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who calls you to share his eternal glory in union with Christ, will himself perfect you and give you firmness, strength, and a sure foundation.” (Peter I 5:10)

Today’s reading continues the topic of “trials” and “tribulations”. There’s one part of the reading that gives me different perspective of trials. Most of the time, as we are talking about the trials and tribulations God gave us, we seemed to think of the bad times, difficult times, sad times. I mean, at least, that’s what I always tend to recall… but trials and tribulations can also be in forms of sin and sickness. And we often don’t realize the situations until some consequences hit us after a while. The tendency to commit sin is in everyone. The temptation can appear as something very beautiful, or something right to do, or even something that seems insignificant. Our eyes can often be blinded by our senses. And those are the trials and tribulations we have to face all our lives.

This is the reason that during times of those tests, we must “stay put” until our relationship with God is firm and fixed, like a “permanent habit”. We can be committing the same sins, and making the same mistakes as the relationship with God is being established. We can be sickened by the difficult situations as the relationship with God is being established. Nonetheless, we have to do our best, keeping Lord Jesus, our Heavenly Father, and Holy Spirit in our hearts, and in the meantime, putting everything in their hands, until the relationship is firm and fixed, like a “permanent habit”, until “His eternal glory establishes, strengthens, and settles us”.

Our soul IS like a machine powered by God. There must be a constant connection to God to keep the soul running because only He can “lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from the evil one”.


小恬 said...

yes yes..
寫的太好呢 不知道怎麼comment...

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

:P thx~ I ‘ve found my reflections being so serious all the time though :P… maybe the readings always tell me how inadequate I am spiritually… hmm…hopefully, sometime in the future, after reading some entry, I can proudly say, “I am God’s pleasant child because I follow this teaching.”…
You, on the other hand, are gd not only at writing, but also at finding references~ always come up with some gd scriptures to share with me~ (thumbs up)

小恬 said...

yah...i dun want my reflection to be too serious

ps. u do look gd in that weddin pic w/ stanley and sabrina!~

and..nodame sp..if u can't wait
u can always go to
to see the special lessons

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

:) yah… thx … I know …haha… your facebook profile pic looks gd too~ much more natural~ and the angle was perfect if you know what I mean :P

Ok, me go check
is SP series finished broadcasting yet? Or new epi. are still coming out?

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

btw, have you heard of Jay chou's movie "Secret"? Watched it yesterday~ the plot is quite interesting~

小恬 said...

nodame has two special episodes (special lesson 1 and 2)
i dunno if they have chinese subbed..mat said he found the english subbed one..
so u can go check it out facebook was all right lah..haha
but want to change to another one..XD

yah..i saw the secret movie
it's quite interesting..
but..u has its flaws..
bue nevertheless...i think it's a gd movie made by jay chow..