Tuesday, January 22, 2008

J: 080122


“None of these things move me.” (Acts 20:24)

What are the things that move me? I would have to say…everything secular could have moved me…
As I am turning into a career man, work moves me; work drives my life.
As I am hanging out with friends, friends move me; friends drive my life.
As I am feeling lonely, loneliness moves me; loneliness drives my life.

I know this is not a way to live my life, and yet, I keep falling back onto that track…
Starting this daily devotion with a sister in Christ, together getting to experience how God loves us, how God forgives us, both of which I 'd never experienced before~

I know He knows and you know (: P) that I am thankful, but I still like to mention it again~ I am thankful for the beginning of something amazing~ Hopefully from now on, at the end of the day, no matter how busy it has been, I can always come back to God and share the lesson of life as a Christian with God and with you : ) Now what are the things that move me? Everything secular can move me, but only God drives my life ~

“Into a desert place apart.” (Matt. 14:13)

I’m not entirely sure, but I think this scripture reading is about Jesus going to the field and pray for 40 days?... : P….yeah… I am rusty with events in the bible…

I like how the author describes the “tests” from God as “rests” on the musicsheet~It really makes sense to me. I can’t even imagine if my life up till now has been perfect and flawless… I would’ve definitely turned into someone else…

We all enjoy happy endings in fairytale-kind of way…like Enchanted..which, by the way, I really liked…not like you said on your blog :P
I mean, don’t we always feel the closest to God when “tests” were placed upon us? As we are complaining about how God is not with us, isn’t that the perfect opportunity for us to really spend time with God?
Yes, to me, things have always been worked out this way; God always showed me the way…even though most of the time I never realized it…

1 comment:

The Pursuit of Holiness: Reflections said...

As I have said earlier today,
i really like your reflectionS

u've certainly touched my heart with your thoughts
and i've learned something new today..haha
that is..i can borrow ur ideas..

Once my friend told me,
it is so easy to feel the presence of God when you are being tested, or when u face the hardships
What is hard, is you feel the presence of God even when everything in your life goes so smooth
Remember to thank God's grace in anytime..
there's something for us to work onto..:D

PS. I asked u that day..
when Giselle was in the big parade in the park..
i asked: "現在後悔了ㄇ?!"
then u answered "有一點"
but i know u like that movie lah
i loved it..haha