Thursday, January 31, 2008

J: 080131

“He giveth quietness.” (Job 34:29)

The quietness Lord brings is truly unique. It’s not just the absence of ambient noise; it’s not presented as beautiful background music. Rather, it’s the quietness after the winds and the waves cease, after huge troubles are resolved, or after the times when everything seems hopeless. It’s the quietness of peacefulness, it’s the quietness of hope, and it’s the quietness of God’s grace. This type of quietness can hardly be felt when joy is abundant, when excitement is everywhere, and visions are unlimited, and instead, it’s often felt when we feel like dead, and yet re-live again.

God provides us this kind of quietness from time to time; He would take away everything He gave us that would keep us away from this amazing gift. He wants us to be isolated from all secular matters and truly experience this sense of satiety – heart saturated with His glory, His almighty – in the time and space of quietness He created.

T: 080130

今天說到, 父神經常用聖靈來更新我們. 事實上, 我們只要信了基督, 我們就已經被更新過一次. (哥林多後書 5:17 若有人在基督裡, 他就是新造的人, 舊事已過, 都變成新的了)

我們可能從原本的version 1.0 更新到 1.1...但是這不夠的. 我們人就像一台電腦, 隨時需要擔心自己被一些小bug攻擊, 更嚴重的是受到那病毒似的撒旦攻擊. 我們需要天天更新我們的病毒碼, 更新自己的程式, 讓我們每一天, 都把自己交給我們的主人, 好更新自己.

書上又講, 時輟時續, 也是不夠的. 去年回到台灣, 我因為要補習, 禮拜天不能去教會. 我那時知道補習要犧牲很多, 可是我不想犧牲掉我的信仰. 原本想絕對不要give up的東西, 不知不覺中, 被忙碌的課程充斥著, 心中那股熾熱感, 漸漸消失, 我很忙碌, 朋友也很多, 表面上雖忙碌充實, 但內心總覺得少了一些東西. 我晚上睡覺, 禱告的時候會不知不覺的哭出來...我知道, 我的內心是空虛的, 我無助. 我信, 可是我沒有更新我自己, 沒有靠近神, 我的內心漸漸乾涸. 就像書上講的, 我還是為主做工, 只是我已經缺乏了朝氣. 我是很被動的尋求主. 但很奇妙的, 主,總不放棄我, 有時候, 竟可以在補習班, 聽到老師講耶穌的事情, 或者是提到聖經的話語. 即使只有一瞬間, 我感受到上帝在呼喚我, 告訴我, 祂還是與我同在.

感謝主, 在去年, 我又漸漸找回我那股熾熱感. 心中這把火, 不想讓它熄滅, 就是要每天照顧, 讓它越燒越大, 能降這股火傳給別人. 有時候, 內心的感動真的是不可言喻的. 主的愛, 何等的偉大, 我們不配, 但他總是一次又一次的找回我們. 父神給我們的應許, 經由露水給我們力量, 使我們深深的紮入恆久的愛根, 努力綻放追隨耶穌的花, 以及發出芬芳的福音.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

J: 080130

“I will be as the dew unto Israel.” (Hosea 14:5)

This is exactly what my problem was during the past few years serving God.

The Dew is the most clear, sweetest, and most refreshing source of water; its formation occurs when the world is calm, when “the wind ceases and the temperature falls”. No wonder God uses this creation of His to symbolize “spiritual refreshing”.

As I mentioned, I was blinded by the sole mission of serving God in the committee for the past 4 years. I always wanted to get the things done fast, seemingly complete. I always wanted to get as many tasks as possible at church so that I’d fulfilled my duties. Last year, I was the chairperson of C&C. It was my first time being a leader of a group. I knew all along since the beginning it was my calling to fill in that position; however, “my calling” was where the problem was. I wanted to handle everything by myself because I thought the whole thing was my calling, the whole C&C was my responsibility. What I didn’t seem to realize was that I was merely one man; I couldn’t just do everything myself, my way and neither could I just neglect everyone else and sit in my own boat, my own comfort zone. Consequently, many flaws and disharmony began to surface within the committee. I began to lose my grip of “my calling”. And yet, I hardly asked for God’s help, for God’s touch, for my spiritual refreshing. My devotional aspect of life was nearly none, I never opened bible during my own times; I never read any devotional readings. I even barely prayed except before each meal… my spirit was “drooping” for lack of the Dew.However, God saw all that; God walked my struggles with me. So He gave me this new direction – being a spiritual committee member. He wants me to be the spiritual leader not because I am good at it, but I can learn the most from it.

At the calmest, quietest time of the day when “the wind ceases and the temperature falls,” I long for the spiritual Dew from God as I m traveling this journey of life; so that everyday, I’ll be saturated with His presence, and then I’ll be able to go forth to my next duty with the “conscious freshness and vigor of Christ.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

T: 080129

神如果在那城當中, 就必不動搖

我把城想成我自己的身體, 城也可以是教會, 是家庭...可以是很多東西

假使上帝不與我們同在, 我們的城必定動搖, 不得安寧, 成日活在憂慮當中...

有了上帝, 我們甚麼都不用怕.

這不是我們可以誇口說, 我信上帝我得永生的...

或只是單單去教會, 敬拜讚美主



有個人, 他有一間大房子..裡面有好多個房間..他覺得能做這間房子的主人, 是非常值得驕傲的.

有一天晚上, 有個人來敲門, 這主人一開, 看到是耶穌...馬上歡迎耶穌的到來, 並給了耶穌最大最漂亮的房間. 主耶穌就住進了那房間.

過不久, 又有人在敲門, 主人一開, 看到是撒旦...非常驚恐, 而撒旦一直搶要強入這房子, 這主人一直與撒旦打鬥.

打鬥過程, 耶穌跑來問主人 需要他的幫助嗎? 主人說: 請你告訴我怎麼做.

耶穌回答: 只要讓我當這房子的主人就好了.

這屋主馬上回答: 沒關係, 我才是這房子的主人, 我還可以應付.

後來主人好不容易打贏撒旦, and ended the night there.

第二天晚上, 撒旦又來, 這次來勢更兇猛, 耶穌再次的offer His help, 可是這屋主還是覺得他可以應付...因此拒絕的耶穌的好心

日復一日, 撒旦每晚都會來, 屋主已經漸漸應付不下去...

耶穌再次的offer His help, 這次屋主抵擋不住了, 求耶穌幫助他.

耶穌問他: 你願意讓我當這房子的主人嗎?

屋主馬上回答: 我願意, 我願意.

隔天晚上, 撒旦再次來襲, 猛烈的撞門, 屋主害怕的躲在耶穌身後, 耶穌出去開門.

撒旦一看是耶穌, 馬上說: "對不起, 我走錯房子了." 語畢, 撒旦就消失, 從此不見撒旦的蹤影.

這故事很發人省思, 我們只把心的一個小角落讓給上帝住是不夠的. 上帝要完全的住進, 要成為我們的主人, 我們才是得到真正的平安.

有時候, 我們覺得有一些小事情, 我們自己解決就可以了, 上帝只有"重要時刻"再尋求幫助就好. 殊不知, 很多事情都可以從小開始發酵, 導致一些大事情的發生. 往往我們看漏的東西, 自以為不重要的step, 其實都是上帝要我們看的. 而我們卻忽略了這些重要性, 傻啊...我們是渺小的人類, 而上帝是全能的, 無所不知, 無所不在的. 我們應凡事以祂為重, 依靠祂, 我們必不致走失.

我想, 我以後不管甚麼大小事情, 都應該要ask God, and let God decide for me. 因為只有上帝, 才知道甚麼東西是我們真正的需要, 只有上帝才真正的了解我們. 只有祂能領導我們這些迷失的, 沉醉於世俗的羊, 走出那花花世界, 得享真正的安息.

今天的reflection, 很短...很白話...打那故事的時間就花了大半去...哈哈..(乾笑) 感覺好沒營養喔

J: 080129

“So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence…. God is in that city, and it will never be destroyed; at early dawn he will come to its aid.” (Psalm 46:2, 3, 5)

God Is with Us. We “shall not be moved”, as the author said, it is an incredible declaration of faith. Most of the time, I still can’t even imagine myself having such strong faith in God. I always wonder, why do I doubt? Why do I hesitate? I have been a “church goer” all my life, and yet I sometimes have so little faith as if God is just… an option. (…man…I so need forgiveness right now….>”<)

How could I let God enter my heart, and stay in it? How can I hear Jesus’s knock on the door?

What I just start doing today is a good beginning, I believe. When the surroundings are still and quiet, I close my eyes, put my hands together and start. I thank and praise God for watching over me and people around me through the day, for granting me amazing family, amazing friends, amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank God for bringing me back to Him at the end of a busy time. I ask God for forgiveness, for all the sins I’ve done, for all the foul thoughts I have thought of, for all the things I should’ve done and didn’t… for everything unjust through God’s eyes. I then ask God to open my heart and prepare me for the daily devotion. And then, I open the book.

Praying is a powerful way to communicate with God. Prayer can be the means by which God has access to adjust our heartstring, as if a violin is tuned by “the Touch of Master’s Hands”. :) With no doubt, praying is the time when we can completely rely ourselves on God; it’s the time when we “shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.” When our minds go vacillating like leaves, praying calms us down. When everything seemed to be against us and destroying us during the day, praying to God makes us rigid and indestructible, and able to welcome tomorrow with open arms.

There's a big difference between just thinking something and praying it to God. Prayer has a direction, the direction towards which we are hoping God will point us. I’ve realized, once AGAIN, how important praying is to not only a true Christian, but also a “churchgoer”.

Monday, January 28, 2008

T: 080128

Today's reading is from 哥林多後書 11章2節

Ok...我必須承認, 我一開始讀這篇的時候, 就卡在今天的金句上面. 憤恨...好強烈的字眼..不懂
所以我跑去翻了現代中文譯版: 我愛你們到了嫉妒的程度, 像上帝對你們一樣.
也去讀了Contemp English version: I am jealous for you, just as God is.

現代中文譯本似乎比較能讓我理解這句話是甚麼意思...but not quite..是上帝的愛嗎?


看了之後, 對憤恨的理解有比較深刻的了解...原來...是因為有很多很多愛才會導致那樣的嫉妒...
那是不是也可以解釋作, 因為即使我們有時候離棄了神, 相信了那些假使徒, 而上帝依然愛我們才導致保羅對我們有這樣的嫉妒?! (這個可能要去問一下)

但白話一點來講, 就是上帝很愛我們.

其實神跟我們的關係是很personal的. 就像很多音樂人, 基本上他們不能容許別人碰他們心愛的樂器. 如果我們一直跟神保持心靈相通, 保持良好的關係, 我們自然不會背棄神...詛咒神...

沒有一個樂器, 是可以在不被調整的狀態下, 發出天籟悅耳的聲音. 而相對的, 要發出美好的聲音, 我們是要忍受那痛苦的調整過程.

有時候, 我們怠惰使我們的心弦鬆弛...

有時候, 我們感到痛苦因為那心弦被其他的事情索綁住..

我相信, 只要經由我們發出的聲音, 不管是多麼微小, 上帝都會聽到...


今天的內容, 使我想到在2006年, 讀書會放的一首歌

The Touch of the Master's Hand
It was battered and scarred,
And the auctioneer thought ithardly worth his while
To waste much time on the old violin,but he held it up with a smile.
"What am I bid, good people", he cried,
"Who starts the bidding for me?"
"One dollar, one dollar, Do I hear two?"
"Two dollars, who makes it three?"
"Three dollars once, three dollars twice, going for three,"

But, No,
From the room far back a gray bearded man
Came forward and picked up the bow,
Then wiping the dust from the old violin
And tightening up the strings,

He played a melody, pure and sweet
As sweet as the angel sings.
The music ceased and the auctioneer
With a voice that was quiet and low,Said
"What now am I bid for this old violin?"As he held it aloft with its' bow.

"One thousand, one thousand, Do I hear two?"
"Two thousand, Who makes it three?"
"Three thousand once, three thousand twice,Going and gone", said he.

The audience cheered,
But some of them cried,
"We just don't understand."
"What changed its' worth?"
Swift came the reply."The Touch of the Masters Hand."

And many a man with life out of tune
All battered and scarred with sin
Is auctioned cheap to a thankless world
Much like that old violin.

A mess of pottage, a glass of wine,
A game and he travels on.
He is going once, he is going twice,
He is going and almost gone.
But the Master comes,

And the foolish crowd never can quite understand,
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the Touch of the Masters' Hand.

不要忘記了, 我們始終是上帝寶貝的那隻琴

盡力就好 不要有壓力囉

J: 080128

I am having difficulty writing reflections on today’s reading…hmmm… every sentence I thought of was as if I were repeating myself from the previous entries…

Due to watching Nodame, the analogy used by the author easily caught my eye… well, anything musical would have caught my eye… :P… we are truly like musical instruments. We tend to go off-tune as the strings become loose overtime. 神的話語就像那調音師一樣, 時時刻刻的再調整我們的弦~

“悲哀與快樂, 誰也不能做分別的選擇, 兩者, 都必須有體念…沒有非常的痛苦, 就沒有非常的福氣, 對痛苦麻痺的心靈, 對福分也不會敏感.”As we often say 一體有兩面. Joy and woe appear to be the two sides of God’s grace.
We wouldn’t know the taste of happiness if we never tasted the bitterness, and vice versa; only by experiencing both tastes can we appreciate God’s grace.

Yeah…Im running out of inspiration….

“Dear Heavenly Father, please give Teri the power to inspire me with her reflection~ :)and please also continue to fill me with your teaching, your will, your vision so that I can reflect Your Words onto my life every moment, everyday.May you also watch over my family, and my friends, comfort them if they are weeping, help them if they are struggling, and inspire them if they are … not so inspired…:PWe put everything in your hands, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”

T: 080127

今天提到, 如果心裡有疑問的陰影, 又會破壞我們跟上帝的關係.
可是, 我卻覺得, 沒有疑問, 就不會有真正的knowledge.
有了疑問, 我們可以去為了找尋答案而花更多的心思在我們的疑問上面.
但是當然不是說我們可以去 it's very important to have some professionals being there to answer questions.
不是找碴, 不是去質疑, 只是我覺得, 當一個人在理解一些事情的時候, 提問, 往往是帶領我們走向更深的理解.

這幾天讀經都會講到, 主給我們試煉, 但總是會幫我們裝備好. 我們所遇到的試煉, 主也都走在我們前頭, 頻頻回頭看我們是否安好.

我...覺得, 當一個基督徒遇到試煉的時候, 其實是一種喜悅. 因為表示我們經得起考驗了, 我們在受試煉的過程當中, 可以與主更加親近, 在信仰的態度上也能更加長進.
雅各書 12:3
我的弟兄們, 你們落在百般試煉中, 都要以為大喜樂; 因為知道你們的信心經過試驗,就生忍耐.但忍耐也當成功, 使你們成全,完備,毫無欠缺.

我知道我受試煉的時候, 主會帶我走過, 而我也希望當有一天我真的受到試煉時候, 我能記住這一點, 一旦我熬過, 我會得著生命的冠冕, 得到莫大的喜樂. 讓我跟上帝的關係, 緊密的連在一起, 永不分離.

PS. I think i need to change the time i write my reflection. i can see my dark circles VERY CLEARLY NOW...damn it

Sunday, January 27, 2008

J: 080127

“But after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who calls you to share his eternal glory in union with Christ, will himself perfect you and give you firmness, strength, and a sure foundation.” (Peter I 5:10)

Today’s reading continues the topic of “trials” and “tribulations”. There’s one part of the reading that gives me different perspective of trials. Most of the time, as we are talking about the trials and tribulations God gave us, we seemed to think of the bad times, difficult times, sad times. I mean, at least, that’s what I always tend to recall… but trials and tribulations can also be in forms of sin and sickness. And we often don’t realize the situations until some consequences hit us after a while. The tendency to commit sin is in everyone. The temptation can appear as something very beautiful, or something right to do, or even something that seems insignificant. Our eyes can often be blinded by our senses. And those are the trials and tribulations we have to face all our lives.

This is the reason that during times of those tests, we must “stay put” until our relationship with God is firm and fixed, like a “permanent habit”. We can be committing the same sins, and making the same mistakes as the relationship with God is being established. We can be sickened by the difficult situations as the relationship with God is being established. Nonetheless, we have to do our best, keeping Lord Jesus, our Heavenly Father, and Holy Spirit in our hearts, and in the meantime, putting everything in their hands, until the relationship is firm and fixed, like a “permanent habit”, until “His eternal glory establishes, strengthens, and settles us”.

Our soul IS like a machine powered by God. There must be a constant connection to God to keep the soul running because only He can “lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from the evil one”.

T: 080126

昨天的entry, to my surprise, 我從來沒有想到我們可以miss上帝的calling.
也沒有真正想到上帝給我們的應許, 是可以因為我們的忽略,或我們的遲疑而被收回的.

仔細想想, 或許真的很多時候, 我們聽不到上帝的聲音.
撒母耳聽到上帝的聲音有三次之多, 等到第三次他才回應上帝. (因為他不知道是上帝在呼喊他, 尚情由可原)
而昨天的entry拿彼得來舉例, 上帝給他已潔淨過東西要他吃, 而彼得拒絕了三次, 導致上帝收回了祂的應許.
天啊! 已經聽到了上帝的聲音, 卻還可以拒絕...這令我感到驚訝. 為什麼?! 因為沒有信心...

信心, 真的是一門很大的功課, 我們不只嘴上要告訴自己我們要有信心, 連自己的心也要有信心.
I want to make sure the next time I hear God's voice, I'll be sure to answer Him right away with all my confidence.

而今天的entry又提到, 許多應許是帶有條件的. 使我想到很多時候, 得到應許之前, 我們是需要犧牲一些東西的.
當亞伯拉罕得要許多祝福之前, 他要先獻上他自己的獨子-以撒, 雖然到最後並沒有真正獻祭給上帝, 但因為亞伯拉罕對上帝的信心, 他得到了祝福.
當耶穌呼召他的門徒, 西門彼得, 安德烈, 雅各和約翰時, 他們是要放下自己的job..自己的生活...來跟隨耶穌, 而他們得到了真正的真理.
如果沒有打從心裡相信主是我們的彌賽亞...我們不會得醫治...而我們也不會得到我們的應許. 阿們

Saturday, January 26, 2008


“Then the Lord said to me, ‘ Look, I have made King Sihon and his land helpless before you; take his land and occupy it.’” (Deut. 2:31)

Today, Jason and I went attending Stanley and Sabrina’s (大小S) wedding banquet. Looking at them finally united as husband and wife before God, I felt really comforting. After 9 years of love marathon, they finally made it, not to an end, but to a beginning :)Their marriage reminded me of something that can be somehow related to today’s devotion.

As mentioned by the author, we are often told to wait for God’s answer, and yet going for God’s promise is equally important. The balance of these two actions of faith is not easy to deal with. In Stanley and Sabrina’s example, I see them handle it quite well with God’s blessings all along. Nine years may sound like a long time to most people, but it was just long enough for them to decide to spend the rest of their lives with each other. They’ve been waiting for God’s answer patiently, and the process had been difficult (ie. Long-D etc). However, they also went for God’s promise at the right time and united 9 years later.

I’ve heard one case in which, some guy (been to our church) has not gotten married at age of 46; not because he’s too shy, not because he’s not confident with his “quality”, but because his expectation is too high. He wants to marry a girl, who’s also his soulmate…the exact words will be 靈魂完全契合. I mean…to me, there’s not such thing as perfect match of our senses. There's only perfect match , made by God.

God might have prepared him many girls, but he let them pass.This is just how today’s occasion got me thinking about the reading with respect to marriage. There are so many other things that God has pointed us the direction and He is still waiting for us to go for it. We just need to let God into our hearts at all times so that we will know “when our time comes”.


PS. Only picture I got today..:P… I actually look gd in it…so can’t help it but to post it hehe :P the food was also great….there were 魚翅 XD

Friday, January 25, 2008

T: 080125

Today, my reflection might be a short one. (still deciding where to type in Chinese or English)
而且今天難得跟你的方向不太一樣... XD

從小到大, 去主日學的時候, 每次下課前都要先背金句.
小時後, 常常翹主日學, 又剛好每次去主日學都剛好要考試...
平時不去主日學, 怎麼可能知道聖經故事咧...
聖經故事 金句都背不太起來的我...總覺得 幹嘛要背這麼多金句...

長大了才知道, 那些金句...是我們的裝備.
當我們灰心沮喪, 傷心難過, 又甚至開心...都可以靠著上帝的話語安然渡過.
每次要鼓勵自己or 安慰鼓勵人家...都要先去查聖經...

所以, 當我明白了金句的重要性之後, 每次讀經, 讀到很美的句子, 或者是很符合我心境的句子, 我都會把它underline起來. 提醒自己下一次讀到同一個地方的時候, 可以對這些句子更加留意.


High school的時候, 去教會, 那時有一位算是輔導的叔叔, 帶我們查經.
有一次, 他要我們選出我們最愛的經節.
我, 選了
啟示錄 20:12-13

我那時的理由是, 不管我們在這個世界上是怎麼樣的錯,或怎麼樣的對, 最後總是要站在上帝面前,跟祂面對面 接受那最後的審判.
最後的審判, 聽起來多酷啊! 我們可以很沾沾自喜的以為自己是上帝所喜愛的子民, 可是等我們到那最後的日子, 可能會發現根本不是那麼一回事. 也或者, 我們得以坐在上帝的lap上面...而上帝會安慰我們, 告訴我們, You did a good job down there.
其實, 我自己也有點忘記當時會選這經節的詳細理由, 但主要應該是the final time, where u come face to face with God的這個理由吧.

現在, 我現在最愛的一句, 而你也一定耳熟能詳

馬太福音 11:28~30
"凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來, 我就使你們得安息.
我心裡柔和謙卑, 你們當負我的軛, 學我的樣式; 這樣, 你們心裡就必得享安息.

很多時候, 我們背負著一些責任, 工作上, 學業上, 團契上, 教會事工上...
有時候多於我們能負荷, 這些責任感壓到我們喘不過氣來, 我們會感到無助...想逃避
但是, 上主說, 到我這裡來, 我就使你們得安息.
主的話, 是那麼的promising..
我聽到祂在我耳邊說: "來吧孩子, 把你所有的煩惱痛苦都給我.
我已經幫世人承擔了他們的罪, 洗淨一切, 你應當是喜樂的. 來吧孩子, 放下這些煩惱吧!"

是啊, 我們有什麼好煩惱, 好痛苦的?
凡事交託給主, 我們的心裡, 就會充滿安息.


“Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
“…as thy days, so shall thy strength be.” (Deut. 33:25)

Today’s reading reminds us of how important our daily devotion can be (meaning that we are doing good :) we are equipping ourselves for what God has prepared for us. )

As the author mentioned, “Word of God is the staff”. As we walk on easy paths, we might think that we need not a staff to help us; this is often the time we forget about God. We think we are competent enough to take actions according to our own will. However, this is often followed by the time we fumble the most, because without God’s Word, the staff, we won’t be ready for any unpredictable paths ahead. How much we practice on our faith each day can mean how much strength and grace we receive from God.

There were numerous times when I faced frustrations, committed sins, held grudges…etc… And only at those hard times, I would seek for God’s help, and God would always send His Words to me, through his servants, reverends, friends, parents, and even bible itself (in this case, I think it was Holy Spirit). A well known example will be the stolen-wallet incident in 2006 ..on my birthday; after the incident, I help so much grudge I actually wanted to kill whoever stole my belongings….however, only within 2 days, God’s words calmed my mind, forgave my sins.

I like the quote of Martin Luther’s wife’s. We would hardly understand the practice of Christian duties if we were not brought under some afflictions by God.

So we should remember to hold onto the “staff” at all times for we will be ready when God sends us to the “stony paths”; by then we shall not be afraid as we march forward because God will have equipped us with the “iron shoes”.

T: 080124

昨天提到的夢, 是上帝願意讓我看見.
其他時候, 我看不見上帝, 可是我知道他與我同在.
認識上帝, 有很多種幸福.
其中一種, 是透過上帝應許的話而感到上帝的同在.
上帝沒有給我一個看板, 上面寫著 "I have granted your wish".
上帝不是Genie, 願望的達成不是速成的, 但somehow, 我的一些小小願望得以成真.
有一些比較是關於未來的, 長期的, 還是在默默的禱告中.

我還蠻羨慕我的朋友, 她每次跟我說 "I didn't study for this exam...I am gonna fail...."
So she prayed to God...then..amazingly, she passed those hard exams.
她會跟我說, 上帝好愛我喔, 讓我pass這個exam.
對她來說,好像很多事情, 求, 就真的可以得到.

相較之下, 我好像就沒有那麼常求.
If I asked something in my prayer, it doesn't go with the way I want.
I'd think, maybe God doesn't want this to happen, or..I don't want it bad enough.
The next thing I know, I stopped asking for it.
這種想法, 一面作滿足, 一面叫對上帝沒有信心.
回想起來, 這種弊病, 是需要改進的.
上帝沒有馬上回應我的禱告, 並不代表祂不應許, 而是我需要有耐心,有信心的等候.
上主說: 我的時候還沒有到.
而我也深切的了解到, 當神的時候還沒有到, 我的時間更不可能到.
但是, 總有一天, 那時候是會到的, 而我也要會那一天的來臨做好準備.
不管是我所求的, 祂要給的, 我都要be ready!

結果我那篇similar idea, 還是沒有辦法跟今天的reflection連在一起
所以, 我貼到無名好了 哈哈, 不然這裡會充斥著我的廢話.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


“But since the water still covered all the land, the dove did not find a place to light. It flew back to the boat, and Noah reached out and took it in… It returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the water had gone down.” (Genesis 8:9-11)

Today’s devotional reading again, teaches us the lesson of faith… as if Holy Spirit is reminding me what I lack of the most at this moment - faith. Yes, faith is always what I lack of… especially as it comes to the things I want, or the girl I like, or the man I wish to become…as it comes to WHAT I WANT from God.

Now being at an appropriate age of settling down, colleagues from work can’t seem to stop wondering why I don’t have a girlfriend… and never had one b4… (I wonder who told them that..hmm..andy…ha)… There were times I couldn’t help but to doubt myself… and God…, wondering: is there something wrong with me? Is it the way I look? The way I talk? Or the way I think?

“No, it’s the way My promises are done” God says. Yes. God’s Word, His promise of remembrance, is more substantial and dependable than any evidence of our senses. When He grants us the visible evidence of His promise, joy fills us; without the visible evidence, we still appreciate Him for we have trusted Him all along with the faith in our hearts.

“Those who are readiest to trust God without other evidence than His Word always receive the greatest number of visible evidences of His love.”

Now, as my colleagues (even my boss) are still trying to figure out the Riddle of the Century, I, with God by my side, should wonder no more. Amen.

Plus, with so many excellent girls around me to choose from, there shouldn’t be a problem , don’t you agree? ;) ..ha …

P.S. I finished Nodame today~ Sooooooo goooooood~~ I love Nodame~! SHe is the first girl on the silver screen Im crazy about...

T: 080123

今天用中文打. XD

Today's scripture is from Psalm 1o, as i was reading it, 我跟你想到同樣的情景.
I was being questioned maybe by the same person or not, but it was a similar situation.
Except it was pretty harsh for me to answer.

他問: 為什麼上帝要讓東南亞有海嘯? 又為什麼上帝讓一個十歲的小女孩, 逃過海嘯一劫, 卻被男人強暴, 為什麼?! 你說啊?!
老實說, i was speechless, i know the typical answer "上帝有祂的旨意."
可是當下, 我說不出來. 因為我真的不知道.
雖然它是正確的答案. 但我在信仰這條路上,還有好長的一段要走, 有好多要學, 我不知道要怎麼樣回答得漂亮, 使這位同學信服.
我"知道"神有祂的旨意, 可是我又不懂上帝的旨意.

直到我讀了約伯記. 有點像是被雷打到, 類似恍然大悟, 但也沒有那麼偉大.
上帝是全能的. 耶和華那麼的大, 而我們是渺小的人類, 自以為有the power of God.
But we don't, everything we have comees from God.
And of course, it's okay for us not to understand His will.
但最重要的是要告訴自己, never give up on God, trust in God and God will take good care of you.
但還是希望下次我告訴別人這些事情的時候, 上帝可以直接幫助我. :P
賜給我所需的一切, 來傳福音.

anyways, 回到今天的entry.
當我們在受苦受難的時候, 真的常常覺得上帝離開自己, 埋怨上帝.
可是我知道, 不管我們在哪裡, 其實上帝都在我們的身旁, 陪伴我們.

我自己就曾經在傷心難過的時候, 感受到上帝真的與我同在.
我想我曾經說過, 我被前男友提分手的那一天, 我真的很痛苦, 那種椎心刺骨的痛.
但是當天, 我做了一個夢. 我夢到了聖靈看著我, 安慰我.
我知道上帝祂很愛我, 在我最需要上帝的時候, 祂出現了, 而我也因為有聖靈的同在, 有聖靈的安慰, 我全權交託給上帝,走過那一段.

每次我讀到一個故事, 我心有滿滿的感受, 眼淚會不自覺得落下.

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you."
Mary Stevenson

希望我下次在苦難中, 我能不害怕不埋怨,能專心注目於神, 並享受這個特別的時間with God and try to bond with God more.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


“Why are you so far away, Oh Lord?” (Psalm 10:1)
Honestly, I never have a firm answer to this question, no matter who asked it…
A person once asked me “Why does God allow evil?” Why?
Why can’t God create a perfect world in which everyone is innocent, everything is flawless?

I always answer this question with “God has his plan”… it sounds cliché, but I find it so true…

“God has his plan” ~ We don’t know towards where God is leading our lives, we can’t feel God’s presence as we fumble… but the fact is…we don’t need to know, see or feel to believe Him...

For we are merely human who are incomparable to God, things beyond our perception do not mean of its non-existence. To have faith in Him. This is one of the life-long lessons for every Christian to learn. This is why being a Christian is not just about trying to know God or see God…but having faith in what He has prepared ahead of us. It’s not easy, but it is God’s will, and this we know.

Teri, 認真的女孩~, this year can be the turning point of your life~ God knows you know I know~ :P
No matter what direction it turns to, you know that God’s banquet of grace will be prepared for you~ as long as you have faith in Him, always~
This is the lesson I have to learn too as this year is “the year” for me too :) it’ll decide where I want to be, and what I want to do in the next 5-10 years…
Wa…it’s so late alredy…
PS. Currently on epi7 of nodame…it’s getting better and better ;)

The Beginning

Here's something I want to share with you.
The Streams In the Desert was given as my confirmation gift by my friends.

Here's something they wrote in the book:


還有我今年開始讀荒漠甘泉, 我自己貼了一張note, 我想也一起貼上來好了, 算是New Year Resolution.

In the year of 2008, I once again start to read the Streams in the desert.
I hope this book can help me face this tough year, and
help me to be the light of other people, as I have the light of Christ dwells in me.

我想要當別人的光和鹽, 照亮自己的生命,也照亮別人的生命.


T: 080122

God is yet again, speaking to me through the Streams in the desert.
I cannot tell you how amazing that is.

As I have been crazy about Nodame cantabile in these past few months (days), I really find it interesting when they refer music as our lives. There's always something after the rests, and the music varies, joyful, sorrowful...but it really doesn't end at "rests".

My life really hasn't been that perfect.
For quite some time now, people have been telling me how good I am, how nice I am....
But sometimes, I fear their expectations, I doubt their expectations, and I also doubt myself.
"What exactly do they see in me?"
"I don't think they'll like me if they really get to know me."
"What is the REAL ME?"

I am merely a woman, a woman knows jealousy well, a woman with quick temper, a woman without patience, a woman that failed something she wanted to acheive, a woman sometimes isn't even honest with herself.

I may appear to be very confident, but only some people know... how little confidence I have in myself.

But today, I think God is trying to tell me, He created me. He knows me well.
He loves me just way I am. Just like my parents unconditionally love me.
Then there's no need for me to pretend I am well.
I AM WELL. I was created by God, shaped by God, and loved by God.

This is how I see now; this year, is rather a pretty long "rest" for me. But I do not fear, for I know that God has already composed the music for me, He is there conducting.

So here I am, counting the beat carefully, looking at the conductor with all my might, so I won't miss the time to play my music. As long as I have this conductor guiding me, there's nothing for me to be afraid of.

This time, I think I want to play with my best technique on this piece of music. I hope all the people around me, can enjoy my "music" and start playing their own.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

J: 080122


“None of these things move me.” (Acts 20:24)

What are the things that move me? I would have to say…everything secular could have moved me…
As I am turning into a career man, work moves me; work drives my life.
As I am hanging out with friends, friends move me; friends drive my life.
As I am feeling lonely, loneliness moves me; loneliness drives my life.

I know this is not a way to live my life, and yet, I keep falling back onto that track…
Starting this daily devotion with a sister in Christ, together getting to experience how God loves us, how God forgives us, both of which I 'd never experienced before~

I know He knows and you know (: P) that I am thankful, but I still like to mention it again~ I am thankful for the beginning of something amazing~ Hopefully from now on, at the end of the day, no matter how busy it has been, I can always come back to God and share the lesson of life as a Christian with God and with you : ) Now what are the things that move me? Everything secular can move me, but only God drives my life ~

“Into a desert place apart.” (Matt. 14:13)

I’m not entirely sure, but I think this scripture reading is about Jesus going to the field and pray for 40 days?... : P….yeah… I am rusty with events in the bible…

I like how the author describes the “tests” from God as “rests” on the musicsheet~It really makes sense to me. I can’t even imagine if my life up till now has been perfect and flawless… I would’ve definitely turned into someone else…

We all enjoy happy endings in fairytale-kind of way…like Enchanted..which, by the way, I really liked…not like you said on your blog :P
I mean, don’t we always feel the closest to God when “tests” were placed upon us? As we are complaining about how God is not with us, isn’t that the perfect opportunity for us to really spend time with God?
Yes, to me, things have always been worked out this way; God always showed me the way…even though most of the time I never realized it…

T: 080121

說是reflection, but i really don't know wut to type for the first time
so plz bare with me

今天的scriptures reading..有點難去理解
對於我這個一生都算順暢的小朋友來說, 我是沒有經過大苦大難的.
這兩年, 我面對了很多事情 對於我的未來 我原本是很確定的
但是現在, 卻充滿了無知 I can only ask God to guide me through

我有時候很快樂 有時候很逃避 有時候很無力 有的時候甚至脾氣暴躁
deep down, I think i am walkin slowly away from God.

But now, readin from the scriptures, 我再一次知道, 當我無力的時候 當我覺得我被試探的時候 當我覺得我有苦難的時候
I can yell out "Lord, please give me strength to fight." and God will embrace me with His Grace, provide me with His power and lead me onward on this journey of life.

I want to be shaped by God, but I want to do it without compromises.

Dear God, please provide me strength to face every obstacles I face.

寫完了...i have no idea wut i was typing
I've edited sooo many times...
but hey..its my first post... XD
