Thursday, March 13, 2008

J: 080313

“Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.” (Revelation 15:3)

Yes. Just like the passage mentioned in the entry, there are numerous times we think God’s tests are too tough for us; or there are other times we see how weak we have been when we are doing God’s work as if God’s not prepared us for the tasks. But the truth is, God IS PREPARING us during those hardships, the tests He gave us; God is shaping us with His Words, His Ways, His Grace, and His Love.

I know I will be thankful to God when things start to go well in my life; I know I will be grateful to God as I complete a service for God as easily as snapping my fingers. However, I also know that I will begin to walk away from God if everything goes as smoothly as I anticipate; I will feel numb, cold, hard, insensible, just like the “old oak”; I will forget how beautiful praises to God used to sound; I will start to lose faith in Him.

So yes, Lord, I know I am still facing struggles and I am aware that serving you is a life-long journey. Please continue to equip me with Thy Words, Thy Ways, Thy Grace, and most importantly, Thy Love.

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