Monday, February 25, 2008

J: 080225

“Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you.” (Joshua 1:3.)
What He has promised, will be given to us. Last Saturday night was one of C&C’s biggest events of the year – The Cha-Cha of Love Dance Night.

The whole committee spent weeks and even months planning it from scratch. And the “fruit” was sweet~ the event went amazingly well~ soooo much better than I could’ve anticipated~

Observing from the DJ’s post, I could see smiles, hear laughters, and even feel the vibration on the floor, in Waltz’s and Cha-Cha ~

During the night, I was filled with so much joy that I couldn’t help it but start dancing~ I indulged myself in the atmosphere, which God’s grace rained upon~ There have been numerous prayers for this event along the way and God truly listened~

It was as if we devoted our passion, our time, and walked all over the promised land; such sweetest fruit was what we were granted with~I want to thank you and praise you, my Lord~ Your grace is truly sufficient~ : )

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